Seeing is Believing

Since the launch of the “Formulating for Efficacy™, the Software” program, many people have asked for a demonstration of the software. Therefore, a series of screencasts (video’s) was created in which the ways of working this computer program is explained and illustrated.

Just press play to start the first screencast. To watch more tutorials on the software, visit our YouTube or click the big blue numbers below to be directed to the desired part.

Screencast Outline

The Ingredients Selection screencast discusses how you can enter the ingredients that appear in your formulation. An ingredient is defined as anything that can dissolve your active ingredient, so emollients, preservatives, sun filters, etc.

  • Should not add emulsifiers in this page

  • Thickeners can be ignored

  • Enter more complicated emollients that are mixtures of pure ingredients


The Actives screencast explains how to enter your active ingredient as well as the phase ratios and concentration of your active. This is also the place where you need to enter whether your active is supplied as a pure solid active, or diluted, or dissolved in something.

Formulation Pages

Provided below are verbal descriptions indicating the information discussed in each part of the FFE™ tutorial found on YouTube or by clicking the big blue numbers below. We wish you all the very best in your attempts to “Formulate for Efficacy™”.

If still in doubt, don’t hesitate to write to us.


The differences between optimizing to Active, Target Concentration and Skin are discussed and illustrated.


Explanation and illustration of the important SFG (skin formulation gap) and AFG (active formulation gap) parameters.


The formulation method “Optimize to Target Concentration” is explained.

This is the method most closely linked to traditional skin penetration theories by maximizing the thermodynamic activity of the active in your formulation.


The various options on how to “Optimize to stratum corneum” are being shown and explained.

Here, you see how to start a formulation from scratch or how to modify existing formulations. Also, what you need to do if you do not like a recommendation made by the program to disable this emollient. Finally, you learn what to do if you insist in having a certain emollient at a certain percentage in your formulation.


Some little tricks are discussed to overcome strange mixtures such as mineral oil and water.

After all, the program only sees numbers but formulation science is more than just numbers. With the help of this program, you can get to excellent formulations a lot faster.